Senin, 01 Juni 2015


Wah, long time no see ya! For you guys, sorry for my passiveness lately because so many activity I’ve done lately. Not so much actually, but yeah it’s because of me can’t manage time so well. Well, guys I learn so many life-lesson too on these activities include about how worth the time is! It feels like this is so not enough if there’s only 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 60 minutes an hour, even a second run so fast. But we rarely aware about that.

Time always walk, their enjoyness threats our destiny. And sometimes is our fault for not being smart to manage them so we have to run for chasing the time. Now I still learn about how to solve that problem, how to manage the time so my activities can be done punctual. It’s not easy anyway. Moreover, on my age now we’re not rarely feel lazy to do something. Even there’s teenager word to say that: mager (males gerak/lazy to move). Oh God....

Two days ago there’s a seminar in my school from the faculty of law UGM talk about corruption. Well, don’t judge about the boring theme. I did feel the same as I said on the first time, bored. But at the end there’s a speaker from KPK (the corruption eliminate comitte) have awaken me from my homesick feeling (IDK, great people always makes me interested). Named Zainal Arifin. Then I asked about ‘mager’ feeling that usually attack teenager as me. “We can’t deny that lazy is so human. But all we all we can do, when we arrive on that spot just give your mind a believeness to get up from that position,” he said.

There’s a quote I like from the book that I’ve read,
Giving up is okay, but the story has to resume.
I believe all people have been stuck on the lowest layer of their life, include lazy. But remember the time is never sleep.


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