Kamis, 15 Oktober 2015


even to say this thing there is a doubt, whether we really want to tell or not. Yup,

(((mistake))) or, now I will write it like...


see? Sometimes we really really afraid of taking a step. How if it'll be the wrong way we've ever made? What if people blame us from what we've chosen? "O.M.G. just please take me to your heaven right now!!!"

We forget that, nobody's perfect. Everyone make mistakes, and so do I, even YOU.

We feel matured enough to face this world, by ourself. But, when problem(s) comes, mind starts to think that it is better for us to be children under five, so we can sue, "Mommy, please help me!"

There's song that I've heard from a movie,

Mother cannot guide you.
Now you're on your own.
Only me beside you.
Still, you're not alone.
No one is alone. Truly.
No one is alone.
Sometimes people leave you.
Halfway through the wood.
Others may deceive you.
You decide whats good.
You decide alone.
But no one is alone.

Wrong things, right things
Who knows what she'd say?
Who can say what's true?
Nothings quite so clear now.

Do things, fight things,
Feel you've lost your way?
You decide, but
You are not alone
Believe me, you are not alone

You move just a finger,
Say the slightest word,
Somethings bound to linger
Be heard

No one acts alone.
No one is alone.

People make mistakes.
People make mistakes,
Holding to their own,
Thinking they're alone.

Honor their mistakes
Everybody makes
Fight for their mistakes
One another's terrible mistakes.
Witches can be right, Giants can be good.
You decide what's right you decide what's good

Just remember:
Just remember:
Someone is on your side
OUR side
Someone else is not
While we're seeing our side
Our side..

Maybe we forgot: they are not alone.
No one is alone.

Hard to see the light now.
Just don't let it go
Things will come out right now.
We can make it so.
Someone is on your side
No one is alone.

Kamis, 08 Oktober 2015

Di Dalam Lintasan Lari

from Mr. Google
Saya jadi sedikit sensitif dengan kata "bersaing" akhir-akhir ini. Tidak dipungkiri, karena saya saat ini sedang ada di kelas ujian yang nantinya juga akan berebut bangku universitas dengan ex-siswa-siswi SMA lainnya. And.... beberapa waktu yang lalu adalah hari Iedul Qurban (yeay! pesta daging cyyn :)), dan saya secara tidak sengaja bertemu dengan beberapa tetangga saya yang kini juga sama-sama dalam keadaan bersaing, hanya saja... dia bersaing mendapatkan lapangan pekerjaan.

"Di Indonesia dari kecil udah ada sistem ranking sih! Ya bagus kita di tuntut untuk menjadi yang terbaik, tapi itu semua jadi membuat kita menganggap yang lain musuh," kata Mbak Ayu.

"Nah.. bener banget! Jadi lebih mementingkan ego masing-masing," kataku.

"Nah, iya. Ada temen deketku, yang sekarang masih sama-sama cari kerja. Tapi aku rasa dia udah anggap aku jadi saingannya. Aku kasih info, dia enggak. Begitu aku dateng ke suatu tempat pelamaran kerja, eh udah nongol aja dia,"

"Iya, aku juga ngerasa gitu sih, temen-temenku yang kepingin jurusan yang sama itu, rasanya jadi memandang aku bukan pure temannya, padahal yaaa orang itu juga lebih pinter dari aku,"

"Anggap aja kita ini lagi lomba lari, kadang, kita justru lupa kalo kita bisa menikmati larinya. Kita malah terlalu fokus sama temen di samping, terlalu fokus sama garis finish kita."

"Iya, jadi ada sifat menangan gitu, Mbak!!!"

"Iya, padahal kita bisa ngerasain angin, ngerasain jalannya, ngeliat pemandangan di sekitar...."

Keliatan ya, aye cuma bisa bilang "iya.. iyaa..." aja?! Wkwkwkwk... But, it was an interesting conversation anyway. Kadang kita justru lupa bahwa dalam menjalani passion, jadi pemenang hanyalah bonus. Jalani, yaa jalani aja! Nikmati aja :)

Sebenernya mau nulis banyak tentang ini, but I think it'll just wasting your time to read it. I know you will know everything from what i've written upper. Hope it can be good starter for you to think more :)
